UF/RO Membrane Systems

Biofilm causes energy, chemical, and water costs to rise and shortens membrane life. Whether the application is potable or process water, UF membrane systems provide excellent separation capabilities.  However, with pore sizes in the range of 0.02 µm – 0.05 µm, the membranes are prone to fouling from biofilm.  When the membranes are biofilm fouled, more energy is required to perform the separation process and more frequent cleanings are required.  This results in more water, chemical, and money going down the drain. 

In addition, water scarcity in certain parts of the country has caused industries and large water users to look at reusing water. However, reuse water comes with its own set of biofilm fouling problems. While chlorine is typically used to disinfect reuse water, it does not achieve the purity necessary to prevent the proliferation of biofilm within the piping and systems. Chlorine Dioxide is a natural agent to remediate and impede biofilm.